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You too can warm up for the World Cup. Test your skill with our free
soccer game. It's a penalty shoot out so you'll be testing your kicking
skills against a very skillful and agile goalkeeper. Our free football
game can be played right in your browser, and you should see it loading
/ visible below. If that does not work for you or you want to keep an
offline copy on your own computer, download the World-Cup-Info free soccer
game. Click here to download
the free soccer game EXE
How to play:
It's very simple to play; all you need to use to play, kick and score,
is your mouse. You simply position the mouse pointer on or near the ball,
pretending that the mouse pointer is your foot. The white circle should
serve as a guide to where your foot will go when you actually kick. Tap
the left side of your mouse to kick the ball. TIP: when you kick, ensure
that the mouse is actually touching some part of the ball, or you might
end up 'scooping' or 'mis-kicking'. HAVE FUN!!.