- World Cup 2002 Wallpapers |
Available exclusively at world-cup-info.com are these 2002 World Cup Wallpapers.
They are in JPEG format, and if you're running a Microsoft Windows operating
system, you should be good to go in no time. To download and install as
your wallpaper, simply click one of the links for your preferred screen
resolution ('1024 X 768' or '800 X 600') then when the image appears in
a new window, simply 'right-click' the image then choose the option to save
/ set as a 'wallpaper' or desktop item'. Hope you like them!!
When you're through with those, check out our 'Soccer
Girls' Wallpapers. |
- World Cup Desktop Themes |
Our World Cup soccer themes includes
a collection of wallpaper, mouse pointers, sound effects, colors, fonts,
screensavers and startup/shutdown screens, all bundled together into a convenient
package. It lets you totally alter the appearance of your desktop in one
go, giving it a total football look and feel. The World-Cup-Info desktop
themes are available for FREE download by clicking on any of the links indicated
below. They were created specifically for computers running the Windows
95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating
systems. |
Cup '98 Desktop Theme |
This was the first World Cup 98
Theme for the game by EA Sports.
It has all the correct sounds, cursors, images plus heaps more nifty sounds.
Created by Matthew Mu Sung, you
can download this desktop theme and add some excitement to your computer
experience. DOWNLOAD WORLD CUP '98
(1.3 MB) |
Cup '98 Desktop Theme - 2 |
Soccer fans will enjoy our second
world cup football desktop theme set on offer.
Some of the sound files are from the Official World Cup 98 Music CD. Other
parts include a couple of good soccer related animated cursors, World Cup
icons, startup & shutdown logo files, and even a screensaver. Click
for more details.
DOWNLOAD - WORLD CUP '98 - 2 (2.5
MB) |
Cup 2002 Desktop Theme - Coming Soon |
Keep checking this spot for World
Cup 2002 Desktop Themes |