Cup Profiles |
Welcome to our World Cup soccer profiles page. Here you can get a bit of
information about each team participating in this year's world cup competition,
as well as the various Groups of teams. We also offer a profile of a featured
player which we will rotate in the coming months as the tournament approaches.
We hope that you find this resource both easy to use and helpful. If you
believe there is an error or any outdated information contained within our
profiles, please
so that we may investigate the issue further. World Cup Country
/ Team Profiles
Get the low-down on each of the participating countries. Exactly 32 teams
(countries) are participating in this football extravaganza, and here we
offer details on each one. Everything from strengths and weaknesses, to
past achievements and even each team's most significant past players is
covered in this section ... MORE
World Cup Player Profiles
2002's 32 teams are comprised of over 700 players. While we are not able
to offer profiles of all 700 of these team members, we can offer profiles
on select players, with archives of previously featured players. Today,
we feature Gabriel Batistuta, Argentina's star forward ... MORE
World Cup Venue Profiles
From the Republic of Korea to Japan, with 10 venues in each country, the
2002 World Cup is quite unusual, as it is being hosted in two different
countries. Undoubtedly, the soccer games will be played in some of the most
advanced, sophisticated, impressive, and downright incredible world cup
venues ever constructed ... MORE
World Cup Group Profiles
The first round of the World Cup features the 32 participating teams being
split into eight groups of four. The groups are named alphabetically from
A to H. Here we take a look at the dynamics of each of these groupings,
and try to guess which two teams from each group will take the honours ...